Some Blackjack Books for you to Excel in the Game!


Sometimes, reading will make your mind change and this can make a lot of super movements as well as moments in your life. So, reading is a good habit which we all should endorse. This article is not about reading per se. It’s about how you can score good at Blackjack with the help of some reading and reading blackjack guide books. Believe me, it will definitely help you in the long run. 

Fred Renzey’s book always gives out a helping hand when it comes to playing blackjack. It not only supports us, but also gives everything in a simple yet subtle format. This book is called Blackjack Blue Book “ the simplest winning strategies ever published”. From the title itself, you will know how simple the content will be. This one will give you all the advice and instructions to have a safer and smooth game from the beginning to the end. So, start your habit by reading Renzey’s Blackjack BlueBook. 

Peter A Griffin is not the Peter Griffin of FamilyGuy! This Griffin has an A in the middle and he is very good at reading. His book “The Theory of Blackjack” will give you a new exposure on how to play and score the game. It’s an easy way to read as well as to score. The book has this to say “The Complete Card Counter’s Guide to the Casino Game of 21”. What else do you expect from a guide book? It not only gives you instructions and somehow to do, it will also give you support while gaming. So, keep it near you during all the levels. 

Now if you want something to read from the classics, then you should head to Playing Blackjack as a Business. This one not only makes you confident while playing, the writer is a classic man when it comes to casino games. Lawrence Revere knows how to put the bait and catch the large trout without getting wet. He is one of the spots on casino masters and someone who knows how to play games. So, if you can read this one, you will be blessed. 

Now, if you want something practical and something innovative, you can read Bryce Carlson’s Blackjack for Blood : The Card-Counters’ Bible, and Complete Winning Guide. This one cannot be called a comprehensive read and it will not have much instructions on the virtual aspects. But it definitely has some practical know-how. It’s a less congested book with very little complicated grammar. This book says how you can make the game of blackjack your hobby too. So, it ain’t that bad to read this one if you are new to this town of jacks. So, are you ready to read and play some of Carlson’s touch? 

Don’t go behind the myths of Blackjack if you can read the simplest of the simplest books called the Beat the Dealer by Edward Thorp. This is a shorthand book where you can go through the basics in minutes. The possibility of learning the basics of blackjack here is so high and it never bores you either. As the title says “A Winning Strategy for the Game of Twenty-One” is something which you should note down. If you read this one, you don’t have to search for anything else. So, get a copy and start skimming through the words one by one. 

Now to something professional. Professional Blackjack by Standford Wong is a terrific piece when it comes to the instructional aspect of it. It’s a practical book that says all the practical necessities of playing blackjack and how to score it uniquely. It has enough details for you to learn as well as wonderful tips for you to implement while you game. Not at all a bad and complicated read and can be mapped within some hours. Even though this is an old piece, the instructions here are not that old and drowsy. So, if you are looking for something classic, then Professional Blackjack will do the trick. 

Apart from all these, there are lots and lots more when it comes to book reading. The only thing is you need to find out and read bits and pieces from everything. Don’t restrict yourself when it comes to the reading part and stay enlightened. You can not only bust the blackjack myths by doing so, you will get some blackjack strategies too. 

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Name: Some Blackjack Books for you to Excel in the Game!

Posted On: 25/04/2023

Author: Alex Karidis